Category Archives: Vehicle Review

3,000 Miles and an Update

So Ruby and I have now ridden 3,000 miles together (actually it’s closer to 3,100 miles as I type, and would have been more had I not been too sick to ride the last week…again…). I had mentioned a “major … Continue reading

Posted in CRF250L, Dual Sport, General Motorcycle Stuff, Honda, Maintenance, Project, Vehicle Review | 1 Comment

Over Due Review

I’ve been meaning to write this review for…well, for the time it’s been since the hint of it coming a while back (last post), LOL! Been pretty busy with work and life stuff (and riding :p ), and just didn’t … Continue reading

Posted in CRF250L, Dual Sport, Honda, Vehicle Review | 2 Comments

So This Happened Yesterday

Will be trying to do a thoughtful 2,500 mile review in the coming week 🙂

Posted in CRF250L, Dual Sport, General Motorcycle Stuff, Honda, Vehicle Review | Comments Off on So This Happened Yesterday

2016 Honda CRF250L; First Week in Review

So it’s been a full week since buying the new CRF(250L), so I thought I’d post my initial thoughts, observations, and experiences thus far as it’s coming up on 300 miles on the odometer soon. So this week we were … Continue reading

Posted in CRF250L, CRF250X, Dual Sport, General Motorcycle Stuff, Honda, Kawasaki, KL250 Super Sherpa, New Motorcycle, New Vehicle, Ride Pics, Vehicle Review | Comments Off on 2016 Honda CRF250L; First Week in Review